Thursday, May 14, 2015

Don't Forget to Wear Your Party Hat!

Highlights from Allie's 4th birthday party

When you're four, and having a birthday party, it's important to wear a party hat. Allie was so serious about this that she wore her hat all day, and encouraged all of us to wear our hats as well. Rowan was happy to humor her request.

When it was time to open presents, Allie's approach was to speed through the process. She wasn't interested dwelling on each gift––that would come later. It was much too exciting to see what was in all the packages!

Silas and Rowan eagerly watched the gift opening.

One of Allie's gifts from us was a doctor coat (which she had asked for), 
and after the presents were opened she decided to jump into her "Dr. Allie" persona. 
As in, Dr. Allie goes to a party and plays with stickers.

Our neighbor and friend (and the owner of Snackie French) made this 
lovely butterfly cake for us in the colors Allie picked.  

Allie was basking in the attention of her proud grandparents.

Time for crafts! Pretty much all of Allie's birthday gifts were crafty in nature. 
Crafts (or "projects" as she calls them) are her absolute favorite pastime.

Rowan swapped his party hat for a crown. This kid loves to have his picture taken, 
and one of his few consistent utterances is "eesh" for cheese when getting his picture taken.