Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Summer's Day

Summer Flashback Series, Part Three

What do you get when you put together three kids, warm weather, and days that seem to stretch on too long? Summertime!

What about when you add in to the mix a new camera? Well, you get lots of pictures of kids just passing time around the house.

Allie and I would take turns feeding Rowan.
It was messy at first but her aim improved with practice.

Rowan at 8 months. He also answers to Row-bot, Row-row and Bubba.

After Rowan learned to crawl in June, his favorite place
to go was under the table. He eventually learned
how to duck his head when he went under the chair.

Trying on Silas' hat

Opening presents on Silas' 6th birthday

Allie and Silas had to try out Silas' new Curious George sheets

Did I mention that Silas LOVES birthdays? He often pages through
our calendar, pointing out all the different birthdays in the family
(I drew balloons on them so he can easily find them). 
We got a friendly visitor one day in the backyard.
Not sure where he came from, and we haven't seen him since!

Rowan was just learning how to pull himself up to stand.
Here he's excited to use Silas' chair as a support.

Allie learned how to push Rowan in the tree swing.

Nana joined us at some of the Concert Sundaes in the park. We went
to the outdoor concerts almost every week over the summer.

Taking a nap outdoors is a great summer pastime, as Allie discovered.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Capybaras and Hungry Goats

Summer Flashback Series, Part Two

In early June we visited the Elmwood Park Zoo, our favorite local zoo because of the proximity and the manageable size. It's perfect for the kids, and at the end we like to relax at the playground while the kids get out that last bit of energy before the ride home. Nate's mom and her friend Nick went with us this time.

It was a pretty hot day, but Rowan was the only one who melted down by the end of our visit. Can't blame him; he was only 7 months at the time. He did great considering it was his first time at the zoo or any major outdoor park.

Silas, Allie and Nate feed the goats at the petting zoo.

Silas braves the goat's eager mouth.

Rowan does a great a goat impression.

Rowan loves his perch in the carrier on Nate's back.

I'm not sure whose expression is funnier...

Allie took her job very seriously.

Silas spots a monkey.

Allie found a tunnel in one of the exhibits.

This was a first for us...although we've been to Elmwood Park Zoo before,
we had never seen Capybara's before. It was very cool to see them
going underwater and then popping up a few feet away.

Two hams

Allie the crocodile hunter!

Rowan loves swings, so this was probably
his favorite part of the day.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Family Reunion in Lancaster

Summer Flashback Series, Part One

Our summer was filled with great experiences, and the first one was when Nate's family gathered for their annual family reunion in mid-June. We met in Lancaster and enjoyed two days at the kid-friendly DoubleTree Resort (also known as Willow Valley). 

The kids loved the pools, and we made use of the hotel restaurant for all of our meals. The even had a picturesque pond with a gazebo where we tried to get a decent family portrait (and by decent I mean one where everyone was actually looking at the camera...but as you see below we didn't quite meet that standard). 

Most importantly, everyone slept pretty well, and that is an accomplishment when you've got three young kids in a hotel room, including an infant in a pack-n-play (although we cheated and got a suite with two rooms). 

The family time with Nate's relatives was so nice, and the kids got to spend some quality time with their cousin Mikaela, which was cool. 

Three months later, they still talk about when we stayed at the "hotel with the pool." That's a pretty long time for them to remember something, so the weekend must have left an impression on them!

A partial group picture that includes Nate's grandparents, cousin Matthew (who got engaged during the weekend!), Aunt Terry and Uncle Scott, and his mom with her friend Nick, plus the five of us.

Si and Rowan hanging together on the hotel room bed during some down time. Rowan has his favorite girl (ahem, doll) next to him.

I'm too cool for my tongue!

The aforementioned family portrait...this is one of the best ones. Just couldn't get everyone to look at the same time. It was an unexpectedly hot day, and we weren't dressed for it, so the kids were sluggish.

I love this picture of Nate, Si and Allie

Lots of fun in the kid's pool with a water slide, sprinklers and colorful attractions. They even had a good time in the adult pool (see last photo) with Rowan...that pool was heated ;)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Eleven Months!

Rowan is only a month away from his first birthday! Our baby is quickly becoming a toddler...

It seems like just a short time ago he was just a little guy who couldn't do much but watch the action around him. Now he is right in the center of it––crawling all over the place, climbing the furniture, walking with his push cart, standing up by himself, stealing his sister's straw cup for a drink, pushing toy cars and trucks around, bouncing in the trampoline, racing up the steps, trying to feed himself with a spoon...

And standing up in the kitchen's learning tower, where he snacks, watches Mommy make meals, grabs things on the counter, and just all around feels like a BIG boy!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Silas' 6th birthday!

Our biggest little guy just turned 6 last week! We celebrated with a party over the weekend, and had a beautiful day for our bug bash! Unfortunately I don't have many pictures of Silas, since I was so busy tending to a cranky Rowan that I didn't have time to photograph the birthday boy. But here are a few pictures, including one where Silas is actually smiling (which is hard to catch on camera!).

Opening birthday presents gets a big smile out of Silas!
Guess we're about to get house guests...
Si got an ant farm and can't wait to fill it up with ants!
This card came all the way from the tip of Long Island! :)
The party theme was bugs, so we had the kids dig for
(fake) worms and ants in an unused garden bed. 
Allie holds up a plastic ant that she unearthed from the dirt.
Our neighbor Kristi is a professional baker,
and she created this awesome cake for us!
Si loved the cake design! He was a little concerned when we first talked
about it that the bugs would be real, but here he was delighted to discover
that they were made out of icing! (Fondant to be exact.)
Happy Birthday to Silas! 
Allie, Mikaela and Isla (first and second cousins) take a turn sitting
on the four-wheeler together. The expression on Allie's face is priceless!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's the Last Day of School

It's hard to believe a whole school year has gone by already! When Silas started school last August, he did not have a little brother. Now Rowan is almost 8 months! So much can happen in a year.

Silas absolutely loved school this year. He had a great class with 7 other kids, and his teacher was wonderful. I think he'll miss the routine, and his friends from class. He has come a long way this year––he learned to write his first name, he can almost write his last name, he's learning his phone number, he can count by twos, fives and tens, he is even reading a few sight words! It's been exciting to see him learn and grow this year.

I recently took a couple photos while Silas waited for the bus. (Sometimes it takes the whole family to get Silas ready for the bus on-time.)

Silas' confidence has really grown this year.

Leo joins us on the porch every morning when Silas waits for the bus.

Allie had her show for the Little Gym on Monday. She showed off her "tricks," as she likes to call them. The audience clapped and cheered for each child as they did a performance on each piece of equipment. Allie did not have stage fright at all and did a great job using her skills to perform a little routine! I was so proud of her!

Allie's the cutest Funny Bug you ever saw!

She received a medal to commemorate her first year
at gymnastics, which she kept on most of the day.