Friday, September 26, 2014

Capybaras and Hungry Goats

Summer Flashback Series, Part Two

In early June we visited the Elmwood Park Zoo, our favorite local zoo because of the proximity and the manageable size. It's perfect for the kids, and at the end we like to relax at the playground while the kids get out that last bit of energy before the ride home. Nate's mom and her friend Nick went with us this time.

It was a pretty hot day, but Rowan was the only one who melted down by the end of our visit. Can't blame him; he was only 7 months at the time. He did great considering it was his first time at the zoo or any major outdoor park.

Silas, Allie and Nate feed the goats at the petting zoo.

Silas braves the goat's eager mouth.

Rowan does a great a goat impression.

Rowan loves his perch in the carrier on Nate's back.

I'm not sure whose expression is funnier...

Allie took her job very seriously.

Silas spots a monkey.

Allie found a tunnel in one of the exhibits.

This was a first for us...although we've been to Elmwood Park Zoo before,
we had never seen Capybara's before. It was very cool to see them
going underwater and then popping up a few feet away.

Two hams

Allie the crocodile hunter!

Rowan loves swings, so this was probably
his favorite part of the day.

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